Minggu, 31 Agustus 2014

to yellowish brass. The seed round flat,

Fruit in the form of a circular egg buni breech or ovate, size (3-10) cm x (3-5) cm, pointed to the two ends, bergelantungan, long stemmed, leaf sheath, not loss, thin rind, smooth, colored reddish purple, red, orange until kekuning- brass; flesh contain 'many juicers, somewhat sour to sweet, dusky brown to yellowish brass. The seed round flat, thin, and hard. Composition: Leather holland eggplant fruit contains a substance that tastes bitter, but these substances can be removed by peeling bark or menyeduhnya with hot water for 4 minutes. Replacing boil water after 3-4 minutes and reduce heat back to the bitter taste and perch were young.Pulau Tidung 

Per 100 g edible portion of the fruit contain:

     water 85 g,
     protein 1.5 g,
     0.06 to 1.28 g fat,
     carbohydrate 10 g,
     1.4 to 4.2 g fiber,
     0.7 g of ash,
     vitamin A SI 150-500,
     vitamin C 25 mg.

Most of the vitamins are lost in boiling.
benefits of Fruit

Eggplant dutch utilized by various means, such as delicious and sweet foods. Raw fruit can be used for cooking 'chutney', curry and sambal, while the unripe fruit to syrup, soup, dough filling (chicken stomach, etc.) and to rujak. Sliced ​​fruit can be used as a seasoning, and baked or roasted for use as a vegetable. Mature fruit trees kept in the range of matching only the flavor and aroma of wine. Fruit matured preferably also important to produce syrup, Jell, jams, desserts and ice cream as a garnish good quality. Hard seeds can be removed after digodok. Lime
Pulau Pramuka water and sugar can be added to taste more delicious.

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