Senin, 09 Juni 2014

Trimming the Tree Protector

 Trimming the Tree Protector
Shade trees can be used Glyricidia maculate, lamtoro and dadap. Branch pruning is done to maintain in order to remain calm, facilitate the circulation system and regulate the intensity of sunlight.

Agen Bola Indonesia    Flowering and Pollination
Vanilla flower after 1.5-3 years old, who appeared in the form of flowers and will bloom one dompolan interest interchangeably. Blooms only last 12 hours, starting at 24:00 until mid-morning, after the flowers begin to wilt and die. Therefore pollinating flowers carried around 08:00 until 10:00. Artificial pollination in principle is raised / cut lip which limits the anthers and the stigma, then the stamens to the stigma pressed to do pollination. A week after pollination spray at a dose of NASA POC (3-4 cap) and HORMONIK (1 cap) per tank every 2-3 weeks.

Attacked and damaged stems, flowers and fruit. Activities carried out at night. Control: manually by taking and collecting snails one by one and then burned in a single hole.
Grasshopper sword
Damaging / eating young leaves and stems vanilla. Control: spraying or BVR PESTONA
Stem borer
The larvae of this pest damage / broaching the stems of plants that cause plant vanilla vanilla slowly wither and die. Control spraying PESTONA
Crested caterpillars and caterpillars geni
Damage the buds, leaves, stems and flowers. Control: spraying PESTONA

b. Disease

Agen Bola Tangkas
Root rot
Symptoms: black roots, the plants become brown and eventually die; usually occurs during the first highest production achieved. Control: maintaining soil fertility with fertilizer application of lime to taste, and adjust the humidity, beginning with Natural GLIO prevention.
Stem rot
Cause: The fungus Fusarium batatatis. Symptoms occur on the trunk black splotches that will spread rapidly and circular. Trunk attacked will wrinkle, brown and finally dry. Control: reduces moisture and good drainage, while the cuttings will be planted dipped in NASA POC + Natural GLIO.
Rotten fruit
Found in young vanilla fruit. Symptoms appear when attacking the base of young fruit so many fruits are falling and when attacking the middle of black fruits, dried subsequently died. Control: Natural spraying GLIO + sugar dose of 1-2 teaspoons per 10 liters of water.
Stem rot, Cause: The fungus Sclerotium sp. Symptoms: The base of the stem was colored brown and kebasah-basahan, attacked plant parts and soil around there misellium white fungus as Sclerotium fur with lots of brown color. Control: use stem rot-free seedlings, spraying Natural GLIO + sugar.
Brown spots on fruit
Cause: by fungus Phytophthora sp. and atta
Roller Blindsck that nearly ripe fruit vanilla. Symptoms: dark brown spots and eventually rot. Control: (1) immediately attacked by fruit picking then burn it; (2) spraying with Natural GLIO sendok/10 dose of 1-2 liters of water.

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