Selasa, 20 Mei 2014

Propagation of orchids are generally made by two methods, namely

Propagation of orchids are generally made by two methods, namely, conventional and in vitro culture methods. Plant propagation is done conventionally are as follows:
1. Vegetative Propagation malalui breakdown / separation clumps l
Agen Casino Onlineike Dendrobium sp., Oncidium sp., Cattleya sp., And Cymbidium sp.; cutting plants that child out of the trunk as Dendrobium sp.; cutting plants that child out of the roots and stems of flowers such as Phalaenopsis sp., which is then planted into the same medium as ferns, mos coconut fiber, charcoal, wood shavings, with a mixture of broken tiles or bricks.
2. Generative propagation is by seed. Orchid seeds are very small and do not have endosperm (food reserves), so that germination in nature is very difficult without the help of symbiotic fungus with the seed.
In vitro culture method of growing vegetative tissues (such as roots, leaves, stems, buds) and generative tissues (such as: ovule, embryo and seed) on artificial media in the form of a liquid or solid aseptically (free of microorganisms).
Land Preparation
Orchid plants can be planted in the yard or around the house or in the garden is in the shade under a tree or given paranet or the like with a certain light intensity settings or in open fields. Because orchids have a high economic potential, then for certain species can be grown in the greenhouse (green house).
Media planting
Good growing medium must meet several requirements, which do not decay quickly, do not be a source of disease, have good aeration, are able to bind water and nutrient substances are good, easily available in the desired quantity and relatively inexpensive.

Agen Judi Online For the growth of orchid plants, medium acidity (pH) ranged between 5-6 good. Growing medium is essential for optimal growth and flower production, so the need for a business looking for a suitable growing medium. Growing medium that is often used in Indonesia, among others: moss, fern, wood shavings, wood chips, coconut fiber, charcoal and pine bark.

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